01Nightmare Fuel

City of Ayyon - the only inhabitated place left on the planet after the Nightmare Fuel also known as Great Conflict.
As a reminder of the conflict, in the very
middle of the city you can see lonely
skyscraping Agreement Tower, which
divide Ayyon into two districts: Slum
and Polis.

Chapter 1

The Sleepers date modern Ayyon from the awakening of the Firstfirst1. The Vigilants timeline, on the other hand, begins two weeks earlier. The day of what is now known as Nightmare Fuel.
It began when the people of Ayyon found it harder to wake up
*bzzzzzt - snooze - bzzzzt - snooze.*
Being late for work or school became something normal. The advanced society of Ayyon was able to reorganize processes and continue to exist with this loss. More and more often you could see sleeping animals or birds in the streets, people in the subway fell asleep and could sleep until closing time.
Time staggered from side to side. It was hard to tell whether it was yesterday or tomorrow. City lunatics walked the streets with placards saying that there was no tomorrow, that we were in eternal liminal space, in the very minutes that in a leap year accumulate into an extra day.
Old people, it seems, stopped waking up altogether. They stayed alive - their pulse simply slowed, but they didn't wake up. Leaden heaviness became a natural state for the world.
And so, on the day from which the Vigilants counted down the years of modern life - everything fell asleep. People, birds, animals - the earth itself fell asleep. Everyone fell into a clinging nightmare, a dream from which you can't get out because you just can't take that one step - everything is too heavy.

During those two weeks, terrible things happened. Centuries-old sleeping trees fell on mountains of sleeping birds and crushed them without a single cry. People who were caught sleeping on asphalt roads were silently bleeding from their shattered heads until the sleep became eternal. Chunks of earth were breaking off and the planet was cracking because the very forces of nature were in this nightmare.

It lasted exactly 300 hours. 300 hours of nightmare. 300 hours that wiped out most of the planet's population, almost all the flora and fauna, and set back humanity in development for centuries. 299 hours for the Firstfirst1, who came out of sleep and saw what became the fuel for these nightmares.
In the beginning there was a word and that word was - wake up.
Wake up!

01Nightmare Fuel



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