02story decorAgreement

Years passed and the camps of both factions grew. Occupying the flooded part first, the followers of the Firstfirst1 moved deeper into the city, not renovating, but transforming the ruins of old Ayyon into the semblance of a living temple.
Their goal was to get as many residents as possible to begin taking the Steps.
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First Clashes

The Firstfirst2 was assisted in organizing the learning process by the very first responders to his whispers - they would eventually be given the names Lawlaw and Fanaticfanatic
This continued until they encountered the first dome in their path. This object was so alien to them, with its incessant burning cold light and palpable craving for life, that they destroyed it without waiting for orders. The owners of the dome, the survivors, were nearby. But the closer they got to the dome - the more they wanted to sleep. In the ruins of their creation, they fell into a restless sleep full of nightmares.

After that, the clashes became more frequent. The survivors first developed medications to keep them awake and keep their minds clear so they wouldn't hallucinate, and then they developed mechanical implants that increased their resilience tenfold. It was because of the methods of these two groups that the names we know now - the Sleepers and the Vigilants - stuck to them. The more there were clashes, the more the people of Ayyon realized that they were starting to roll back everything they had built with their hard work. By destroying each other's craft, they were making things worse for humanity. Despite the great difference in their views and approaches to the future - they began peace talks.

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Orderorder, under the protection of Spiderspider - a pioneer of body modifications - came to the center of the city day after day to talk to the First. To talk physically, not through mental whispers. It was the only time the First's voice could be heard with your own ears.

After a week of negotiations, an Agreement was made. The Sleepers did not disrupt the flow of progress, the Vigilants did not intrude on tradition. At the site of their negotiations, they worked together to build a tower, made of new materials, but covered with the symbols of the eyes and fumigated with the smoke of altars. This tower divided the city into two districts - later to be called Slums and Polis.

It can be said that the real development of culture began here.

01story decorNightmare Fuel


03story decorModern Ayyon

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